Sex. What makes a fictional sex scene good? This is an important question for fiction writers because, if you’re going to include one, you need to do it right. A poorly constructed sex scene can leave readers disappointed and reluctant to become emotionally invested in the rest of the story, even if they read on… Continue Reading Writing Sex Scenes – Sliding Into Home Base »
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Finding The Line and Knowing When To Cross It
If there’s one thing the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomena has reminded us of it’s that sex sells. Not exactly news. So do violence, gore and profanity. But how much is too much and how little is not enough? My daughter told me that she saw the new movie, Lawless,
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A guest post from Kate Naylor Some readers love nothing better than being so traumatised they can’t sleep nights without leaving the lights blazing. Others tiptoe their way through the gore with eyes squeezed shut, more interested in the storyline than the detail. Some flip past sex scenes, re-joining the plot once
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